Make your plans come to life...

Simply the most comprehensive financial planning software on the market.

  • Income Planner
  • Portfolio Builder
  • Retirement Navigator
  • FAI Comparison


We believe every tool in your tool box should bring you tangible and obvious value. We have engineered Einstein FI so you can build plans that people can identify with, easily understand, and keep them engaged. Einstein FI is the most comprehensive financial planning software available on the market. This state of the art income planning tool operates in a dynamic live environment allowing you to make changes, and present live to clients digitally. This program runs on a mobile platform and pc as well as gives you customized printable reports to show to your future clients.

  • Personalized for your firm with your logo and colors
  • Household Centric Database
  • Portfolio Analysis Built-In
  • State of the Art comprehensive income planning
  • Live interactive dynamic planning tool
  • From digital on-screen reports to printed color pdf reports
  • Your future clients and back office will love our easy to use deliverables.
Become a trusted advisor todayRegister Now!

21 Day Challenge

One simple step, join our 21 Day Challenge!

Take your practice to the next level, by using our program for 21 days at no charge. You will see a dramatic increase in your connection rate with your future clients as well as a higher closing ratio. By using our process, you will see your business evolve. Limited seats are available on this offer, contact us today.